This manga is about a bunch of students going on a cruise and the most unexpected happen, the cruise liner got turned over . Due to this people from all over the ship are found dead mostly due to unusual causes until they met the living corpse who was creating havoc. This kind of person wasn't the kind to infect and move on their aim its to eradicate everything that moved. These people board the ship without any symptoms of being infected or sick to produce these kinds of reaction, they were once husband, wives, friends, crew members and teachers all in which who lost control in their rational self after being infected. Reading this manga although is not complete got me thinking about what I would do in a similar situation. If I were to die will i try to bring as many people with me?? If I was the one infected would I purposely infect others with my disease?? I guess no one will ever know without being in the situation. These kids met with these situation without having the knowledge in which to survive or do they?? This manga I recommend to any one who loves the hardcore blood filled and horror manga to put a bit of thrill in your backbone. Cradle of Monsters is a must read and hopefully in the future it becomes a kick ass anime too. Its filled with graphic killing sprees and some very evil people who would do anything in a given situation to survive. The manga is currently updated with eighteen chapters and I'm trying to patiently wait to see what the next step these kids will have to take. The aim for survival is in all of us but what will you do in order to survive???